Choko Design is very proud to have contributed in one way or another to almost every snowmobile club federation and association. We salute all the volunteers who have sacrificed thousands of hours facing the elements in order to ensure that our families feel secure and comfortable while enjoying all the properly marked, patrolled and groomed trails.
Association Des Motoneigistes du Québec (ADMDQ)
Alberta Snowmobile Association
British Columbia Snowmobile Federation
Klondike Snowmobile Association
New Brunswick Federation of Snowmobile Clubs
Newfoundland & Labrador Snowmobile Federation
Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs
Ontario Federation of All Terrain Vehicles (OFATV)
Fédération des Clubs de Motoneige du Québec (FCMQ)
Fédération Québécoise des Clubs Quads (FQCQ)
Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association
Snoman (Snowmobilers of Manitoba)
Snowmobilers Association of Nova Scotia (SANS)
Canadian Powersports Racing Association (CPRA)
Canadian Snowcross Racing Associaton (CSRA)
Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA)
Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts
Michigan Snowmobile Association
Minnesota United Snowmobile Association
Nebraska State Snowmobile Association (NSSA)
New Hampshire Snowmobile Association
New York State Snowmobile Association
Pennsylvania state Snowmobile Association (PSSA)
Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs
East Coast Snowcross (ECS)
Snowfed (Suède)